A “Shift” Is Coming

"Please note the similarities between Emerging author/speaker Brian McLaren’s campaign and message and that of this cadre of outspoken New Spiritual/New Age teachers and leaders. Such New Age luminaries as Marianne Williamson, Dennis Kucinich and Deepak Chopra are featured on this short film, The Shift. (Note the title.) Brian McLaren’s site is called DeepShift.org. They’re all about a shift into a new paradigm."
Here’s a quote from the Shift movie website.
"We are in the middle of the biggest social transformation in human history, The SHIFT. At this critical point, it is imperative we make the masses aware of this global movement quickly. This evolutionary phenomenon is broader and deeper than the most visible SHIFT, the environmental movement. It involves our very understanding of who we are as human beings, and our responsibility to the world and to life itself."
Now let’s shift to McLaren’s website where he says the following:
"We Are in Deep Shift.
A time of transition
and re-envisioning
A time for asking new questions
and seeking answers
that are both new and old
fresh and seasoned
surprising and familiar…"
Brian McLaren, Marianne Williamson and company sound alike because they’re working on the same team. They are the heralds of the coming cosmic christ, a christ alien to the Scriptures and one who is at war with the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are wise will see this and help warn others of these prophets of anti-Christ.