Thursday, April 06, 2006

Pastors "without an agenda"

Hey, if you want to get married and don't want a pastor to make any moral judgments about your lifestyle don't worry, we can find a pastor for you who will be more than happy to do the job..."without an agenda."

On Tony Jones' blog (the director of Emergent US) is a recommendation of a website for pastors who are tired of having to ask people those really difficult and uncomfortable questions like are you living together ? Have you ever been divorced ?

Don't ask couples questions which are going to suggest moral judgments on them. You want to try to avoid getting the "wrong" answers, that would make them feel very uncomfortable.

You see the problem is not that there aren't enough pastors who are willing to marry people, it's just that there are too many of them still stuck in this moralistic mindset that couples getting married ought to adhere to some biblical and moral standard. Don't let that bother you just get rid of your standards. It sounds so open minded and understanding.

Hey you can even take this so far as to oversee the marriage of a Muslim with a Greek Orthodox. You could also make some good cash out of the deal.

(I wonder how much a gay couple would pay ?)

Here's some quotes from Pastor Bill Yaccino:

"I was sure that by being selective about whom I married, I was saving the institute of marriage. I was being righteously selective, I wonder how many couples I made feel terrible about themselves?"

"To be honest, a few years ago I was one of those “wrong answer” pastors"

"for the first time in a dozen years, I felt Missional. I felt authentic. I felt empowered to serve these couples without an agenda."

This is yet another reason why I am so uneasy with this whole Emergent movement. They seem so eager to reach out to the world and attempt to be missional that they disregard and overlook biblical moral standards of the real Lord and Master whom they claim to serve.

Are they choosing the approval of man above the approval of God ?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

what comes first? moral standards or a relationship with the living Christ? if you like, you can keep sticking it to those who don't know Jesus. i hope there are those that are willing to introduce Him to them first.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what comes first? moral standards or a relationship with the living Christ? if you like, you can keep sticking it to those who don't know Jesus. i hope there are those that are willing to introduce Him to them first.

10:34 PM  

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