"Here me! Every church without a prayer meeting condemns us; every Bible daily unopened condemns us; every promise of God unused condemns us; every lost neighbor condemns us; every lost heathen condemns us; every dry eye among us condemns us; every wasted minute of our time condemns us; every unclaimed opportunity for God condemns us. Next year is not ours. Tomorrow may be too late. Unless we repent now, unless we return and fire the prayer alters now, unless we fast and weep now, woe unto us at the judgment!"--Leonard Ravenhill, Revival Praying, 1961
"Every church without a prayer meeting condemns us".
And would you not think that with the violence throught the world, and the emergent movement spreading rapidly, divorce at an all time high, child molesters everywhere, apostacy rampant, would you not think that every evangelical church would have its doors open 3-4 nights a week for prayer?
Maybe I'm crazy!
Yes Rick maybe I'm crazy too.
Ravenhill is probably referring to the judgement of believers of the things done in the body whether they be good or bad, but sin itself is covered at Calvary for all believing followers of the Lamb that was Slain! Halleluiah!!
Even if believers are not to stand in this judgment, aren't we supposed to be more like Christ every day. We are to take up our cross, die to ourselves, and live for God. A lack of prayer and regular time in God's Word is like trying to live without food. We wouldn't try it, but yet in Job 23:12 we see "I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food" and we also see Jesus in Matthew 4 telling us that man shall not live by bread alone. We need God's Word, we need to be in prayer, our direct line with the Father through Christ. How many would try to get through a week without talking to their earthly family? It seems silly to compare, but truthfully we all lack in our fervency in prayer. I am reminded of the passage in Rev that talks about the incense being poured out which is the prayers of the saints. It is a beautiful aroma poured out before the Lord when we pray. We should need no more motivation than that.
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