Wednesday, May 03, 2006

CONTEMPLATIVE "PRAYER"--But is it really "prayer"?

Dictionary definition of the word PRAY:
1. To utter or address a prayer or prayers to God, a god, or another object of worship.
2. To make a fervent request or entreaty.
3. To utter or say a prayer or prayers to; address by prayer.
4. To ask (someone) imploringly; beseech. Now often used elliptically for I pray you to introduce a request or entreaty: Pray be careful.
5. To make a devout or earnest request for: I pray your permission to speak.
6. To move or bring by prayer or entreaty.

Where do you see "meditate" or "listen" or "centering" or "breathing" or "feeling"?
Let us not be fooled. If you are meditating, listening, centering (whatever that is) breathing, babbling (Matt. 6:7) or feeling don't call it prayer. It is not the same thing.

The word PRAY means to ask. Simply put. Prayer to God is to go to him to ask (Mark 11:24) request, petition with thanksgiving (Phil 4:6. 7), plead, beseech, cast your care upon (1 Pet. 5:7), weep, yearn, praise. Jesus gave us the Lord's Prayer (Matt. 6:9, Luke 11:2) as a guide. He did not give us contemplative "prayer" (to use the term loosely).

1 Corinthians 14:15 tells us to pray with our spirit and with our MIND. We must be watchful and thankful (Col. 4:2). The mind must always be careful, watchful, cautious and focused on to whom we are praying with requests to God. Why? Because God knows that there is a universe full of deception and we are always at risk. Watchful, mindful, sincere, constant, supplication and petitioning to God as demonstrated in scripture is how the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keeps and guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:6. 7).

We have no business trying to add, alter or revise God's method of prayer.
Finally; 1 Peter 4:7. "The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray."



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