Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tear It Up

Sometimes you don't have to linger in the muck and mire to know it's not where you want to be. Sometimes you can call things as they are without having to dwell in it. If it stinks, it stinks. If it's trash, then call it what it is, throw it out and move on. This is good advise from D.L. Moody which is very applicable today since there seem to be so many today selling-out on the truth.

"A great man people say, you must hear both sides; but if a man should write me a most slanderous letter about my wife, I don’t think I would have to read it; I would tear it up and throw it to the winds. Have I to read all the infidel books that are written, to hear both sides? Have I to take up a book that is slander on my Lord and Master, Who has redeemed me with His blood? Ten thousand times no! I will not touch it."

--D.L. Moody (1837–1899)


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